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How to use GridControl in C++ with Visual Studio?

1 min read

All the elements of GridControl can be accessed through C++ code in the WindowsForms application.

The following code explains how to use the control using C++ code.


void OnQueryCellInfo(System::Object ^sender, Syncfusion::Windows::Forms::Grid::GridQueryCellInfoEventArgs ^e);
void Control::Form1::OnQueryCellInfo(System::Object ^sender, Syncfusion::Windows::Forms::Grid::GridQueryCellInfoEventArgs ^e)
 if (e->ColIndex == 2 && e->RowIndex > 0)
  e->Style->Text = " Setting Color 1";
  e->Style->BackColor = Color::LightSkyBlue;
  e->Style->TextColor = Color::Red;

After applying the properties, the grid is displayed as follows.

Showing elements can be accessed through C++ code

Figure 1: Elements can be accessed through C++ code

Sample link:

C++: Control

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