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How to refer different version of jQuery suspending the jQuery version referred internally in Syncfusion .NET WebForms Olap Grid library?

2 mins read

This KB illustrates that how to suspend the jQuery version referred internally in Syncfusion library.


Currently, you are referring the jQuery 1.10.2 version for your controls. To avoid referring this jQuery version, set SFjQueryLoad as false in web.config file. Refer to the following code example and screenshot.


<add key="SFjQueryLoad" value="false"/>

The following screenshot illustrates the output.

Setting SFjQueryLoad as false in web.config file

Figure 1: Setting SFjQueryLoad as false in web.config file

Now, you can refer to the desired jQuery version instead of the version referred in Syncfusion library in .aspx page. Refer to the following code example and screenshot.

jQuery version: 1.6.2


<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

jQuery version: 1.11.1


<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The following screenshot illustrates the output.

Referring jQuery version: 1.6.2

Figure 2: Referring jQuery version: 1.6.2

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