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What is a cell style in WinForms PivotGrid control?

2 mins read

A cell’s style refers to the GridStyleInfo class object that encapsulates all the state information concerning a cell. This object holds the cell’s value, font, borderstyle, etc. Anything that is particular to a cell is stored in its style. This unique Styles Architecture allows you to inherit attributes from the parent styles. Any information that is not initialized specifically for a cell is inherited from a systemwide standard style or any other user-configurable styles higher in the hierarchy. You can apply formatting to the whole table, rows, columns, group of cells, individual cells or any combination as desired.

Reference Link: 

User Guide for GridStyleInfo


I hope you enjoyed learning about what is a cell style in WinForms PivotGrid control.

You can refer to our WinForms PivotGrid feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WinForms Grid WinForms PivotGrid documentation to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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