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how to apply label rotation for Axis Labels?

2 mins read


Axis labels can be rotated by giving rotation angle for the label. This article describes how to apply label rotation for axis labels.


Rotation of the axis labels are done by assigning the required value (degree) to the LabelRotationAngle property of the axis.

SfChart supports rotation in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. That is, both positive and negative values as follows.

C:\Users\giftline.jebamani\Desktop\img.jpg Note: Here, the rotation is done with the axis label center as orgin.

The following code example assigns positive rotation angle to the axis labels.


<syncfusion:SfChart.PrimaryAxis >
            <syncfusion:CategoryAxis Header="Product" LabelRotationAngle="45"/>


Output for Positive Degree:

The following screenshot describes the output for the axis labels rotated at an angle of 45o.

F:\Issue Files Chart\Issue File -10 Knowledge Base\WP_ScreenShot\New Second TIme\wp_ss_20150210_0030.png

Figure 1: Chart with axis labels rotated with an angle of 45o.

The following code assigns negative rotation angle for the axis.


this.axisChart.PrimaryAxis.LabelRotationAngle = -270;


Output for Negative Degree:

The following screenshot describes the output for the axis labels rotated at an angle of -270o.

F:\Issue Files Chart\Issue File -10 Knowledge Base\WP_ScreenShot\New Second TIme\wp_ss_20150210_0031.png

Figure 2: Chart with axis labels rotated with an angle of -270o.


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