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How to show or hide the Splitter in the TabBarSplitterControl?

1 min read

The SplitBars property of the TabBarPage helps you to show or hide the Splitter on a specified TabBarPage in the TabBarSplitterControl. DynamicSplitBars helps you to specify the Split behavior of the TabBarSplitterControl. They are categorized as follows.


None: It helps to hide the splitter.

SplitRows: It helps to split the rows vertically.

SplitColumns: It helps to split the columns horizontally.

Both: It helps to show both the horizontal and vertical splitters in the TabBarSpliiterControl.


The following code example demonstrates the same.


//Specifies whether the Splitter should be visible vertically and horizontally.
this.tabBarPage1.SplitBars = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DynamicSplitBars.Both;
//Hides the Splitter
this.tabBarPage1.SplitBars = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DynamicSplitBars.None;


'Specifies whether the Splitter should be visible vertically and horizontally.
Me.tabBarPage1.SplitBars = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DynamicSplitBars.Both
'Hides the Splitter
Me.tabBarPage1.SplitBars = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DynamicSplitBars.None


Figure 1: Splitter showed in TabBarSplitterControl


Figure 2: Splitter hidden in TabBarSplitterControl


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