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How to rotate the axis labels in SfChart?

1 min read


This article describes the support for rotating the axis labels.


Rotation of the axis labels can be done by using the LabelRotationAngle property of the axis.


Note:  It is explained with positive as well as negative rotations of the axis labels. Positive rotations in XAML and negative rotations in code behind.


<syncfusion:SfChart.PrimaryAxis >
            <syncfusion:CategoryAxis Header="Product" LabelRotationAngle="45"/>


Output [Positive Degree]

The screenshot illustrates the output of the axis labels rotated at an angle of 45o.

Figure 1: Chart with axis labels rotated with an angle of 45o


this.axisChart.PrimaryAxis.LabelRotationAngle = -270;


Output [Negative Degree]

The screenshot illustrates the output of the axis labels rotated at an angle of -270o.

Figure 2: Chart with axis labels rotated with an angle of -270o

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