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How to display the legend icon in the current chart series type shape?

4 mins read


Legends are like metadata for the series presented in the plot. This article describes the way to customize the icons in that legends.


As cited above, the legends describe the information about the series. So, its label and icon are defined from the series Label and LegendIcon properties. The LegendIcon property is an enum property that holds values like Rectangle, Circle, Cross, etc.

You can also make the legend icon as thumbnail for series shapes by choosing the SeriesType as value for the LegendIcon property as given in the following code example.


<!--LegendIcon is set "SeriesType"-->
 <syncfusion:LineSeries LegendIcon="SeriesType" Label="Series1"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding Computers}"



this.sampleChart.Series[0].LegendIcon = ChartLegendIcon.SeriesType;



The following screenshot illustrates the output after the LegendIcon is set to SeriesType.

F:\Issue Files Chart\Issue File -10 Knowledge Base\WP_ScreenShot\New Second TIme\wp_ss_20150210_0012.png

Figure 1:SfChart with Series Type Legend

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