How to parse the RecurrenceRule in server side in ASP.NET MVC Scheduler?
You can parse the RecurrenceRule of an appointment from the server-side by making use of a new generic utility class RecurrenceHelper. Within this utility class, GetRecurrenceDateTimeCollection method is defined that generates the date instances based on the RecurrenceRule and recurrence start date of the appointment.
You can find the complete class definition of RecurrenceHelper utility in RecurrenceHelper.cs file and can refer to it in any of the application that is available along with the following sample link.
By referring to the above helper class in your sample project, you can make use of the GetRecurrenceDateTimeCollection method by passing the RecurrenceRule and start date of the recurrence appointment, which automatically generates the date instances as a result.
For example, refer to the following code examples that makes use of the method defined within the RecurrenceHelper class.
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>(); var RecurrenceRule = "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR;COUNT=10;EXDATE=04/08/2015,06/08/2015"; //Pass the recurrencerule string and the start date of the appointment to this method that returns the dates collection based on the recurrence rule dates = RecurrenceHelper.GetRecurrenceDateTimeCollection(RecurrenceRule, DateTime.Now.Date).ToList(); // Now, the variable “dates” contains the date collection, with that the appointment instances can be created manually. foreach (DateTime dt in dates) { Console.WriteLine(dt.Date.ToString()); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
Sample Link
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