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How to restrict MDIResize Window in DocumentContainer

1 min read

MDI Window resize can be restricted in Document Container by AllowMDIResizeproperty as false.

The same has been explained the following code snippet:


// Code Explains how to restrict MDI Window resize in Document Container
 xmlns="" xmlns:x=""
xmlns:syncfusion=""   x:Class="DocumentContainer_CanMDIMaximize_.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<syncfusion:DocumentContainer Name="Document" Mode="MDI"    syncfusion:DocumentContainer.AllowMDIResize="False"  >
<ContentControl syncfusion:DocumentContainer.Header="Resize"  syncfusion:DocumentContainer.MDIBounds="0,0,250,250">
<Paragraph>A DocumentContainer is a control that is used for holding the documents, controls and panels inside it.
 <ContentControl syncfusion:DocumentContainer.Header="Control" syncfusion:DocumentContainer.MDIBounds="0,0,300,300">
 Document Container Test



//Code Explains how to restrict MDI Window resize in Document Container
namespace DocumentContainer_CanMDIMaximize_
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
DocumentContainer Doc = new DocumentContainer();
Doc.IsAllowMDIResize = false;











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