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How to format comments in a cell using XlsIO

1 min read

Comments in a cell can be formatted using ‘IRichTextString’. Here is the sample code for

formatting the comments in a cell using XlsIO.


IRange range = worksheet.Range["A1"];
string commentText = "Hello World";
//Adding RichText comment to cell
range.AddComment().RichText.Text = commentText;
IRichTextString rtf = range.Comment.RichText;
//Formatting the comment
IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();
font.Italic = true;
font.Size = 15;
rtf.SetFont(0, commentText.Length, font);


Dim range As IRange = worksheet.Range("A1")
Dim commentText As String = "Hello World"
'Adding RichText comment to cell
range.AddComment().RichText.Text = commentText
Dim rtf As IRichTextString = range.Comment.RichText
'Formatting the comment
Dim font As IFont = workbook.CreateFont()
font.Italic = True
font.Size = 15
 rtf.SetFont(0, commentText.Length, font)


The sample illustrating this behavior can be downloaded here.

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