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How to add a new button near Done and Cancel buttons in SfTimeSelector?

1 min read
<syncfusion:SfDatePicker HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="datePicker"                 
<syncfusion:SfTimePicker HorizontalAlignment="Right" Name="TimePicker" 

A New button can be added, next to Done and Close buttons in the SfTimeSelector using


public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        //private object dropdownpopup_Opened;
  public MainPage()
  Popup dropdownPopup = null;
  Popup timepickerdropdownPopup = null;
  public static IEnumerable<T> FindVisualChildrenOfType<T>(DependencyObject parent)
  where T : DependencyObject
     List<T> foundChildren = new List<T>();
     int childCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);
     for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
       var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
       T childType = child as T;
       if (childType == null)
         foreach (var other in FindVisualChildrenOfType<T>(child))
         yield return other;
         yield return (T)child;
    private void datePicker_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (datePicker != null)
       foreach (Popup popup in FindVisualChildrenOfType<Popup>(datePicker))
         if (popup != null && popup.Name == "PART_DropDown")
           dropdownPopup = popup;
           dropdownPopup.Opened += dropdownpopup_Opened;
      private void TimePicker_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        if (TimePicker != null)
          foreach (Popup popup in FindVisualChildrenOfType<Popup>(TimePicker))
           if (popup != null && popup.Name == "PART_DropDown")
             timepickerdropdownPopup = popup;
             timepickerdropdownPopup.Opened += dropdownpopup_Opened;
       private void dropdownpopup_Opened(object sender, object e)
         if (dropdownPopup != null && dropdownPopup.Child != null && 
             dropdownPopup.Child is Grid && 
            (dropdownPopup.Child as Grid).Children.Count > 0)
           SfDateSelector selector = null;
           SfTimeSelector timeselector = null;
           foreach (var child in (dropdownPopup.Child as Grid).Children)
            if (child is SfDateSelector selector = child as SfDateSelector;
               if (selector != null)
           foreach (var child in (timepickerdropdownPopup.Child as Grid).Children)
            if (child is SfTimeSelector) timeselector = child as SfTimeSelector;
               if (timeselector != null)
            if (selector != null)
              selector.Style = Application.Current.Resources["dateselectorstyle"] as    
            if (timeselector != null)
            timeselector.Style = Application.Current.Resources["timeselectorstyle"] as 








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