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How to apply alternate row colors in Xamarin.Android DataGrid?

2 mins read

SfDataGrid allows you to set alternate row color by setting the SfDataGrid.GridStyle. AlternatingRowColor property. The default value of this property is Color.Default and hence applies the record background color for all rows by default. On specifying a color value for this property the SfDataGrid appears with alternate row colors.

Refer the following code example which illustrates how to set AlternatingRowColor in SfDatGrid

public class MainActivity : Activity
    SfDataGrid grid;
    ViewModel viewModel;
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
        LinearLayout linear = new LinearLayout(this.BaseContext);
        grid = new SfDataGrid(this);
        viewModel = new ViewModel();
        grid.ItemsSource = viewModel.Info;
        grid.AlternationCount = 2;
        grid.GridStyle.AlternatingRowColor =Color.Red;


SfDataGrid allows you to customize the rows for which the alternate row color needs to be updated based on the property SfDataGrid.AlternationCount.

dataGrid.AlternationCount = 3;


SfDataGrid also allows you to customize the AlternatingRowColor when changing the themes in runtime. This can be achieved by writing a custom style class overriding from DataGridStyle class and returning the color need to be applied for alternate rows in the GetAlternatingRowBackgroundColor() override.

public class CustomGridStyle: DataGridStyle
   public override Color GetAlternatingRowBackgroundColor()
    return Color.Cyan;


Refer the below code example to know how to apply the custom style to SfDataGrid.

dataGrid.GridStyle = new CustomGridStyle ();


The following screenshot shows the final outcome upon execution of the above code

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