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How to add permission for IIS Application pool to access SQL Server Database?

1 min read

Usually we use LocalSystem as the Identity to in IIS to run as built-in account by default.

If this LocalSystem account does not have access to the SQL Server database that you have chosen in the startup of the Report Server, then you will need to change this application pool setting in IIS to set the account which has access to the database.

Please follow the below steps to do this.

Step 1: Open IIS à Application Pool and select SyncfusionReportServer.

Application Pool


Step 2: Right click on “SyncfusionReportServer” and select “Advanced Settings”.

Syncfusion Report Server


Step 3: Choose “Options” in the “Identity” under “Process Model”.

Advanced Setting


Step 4: Choose “Custom Account” and select “Set” to set the account that has access to the SQL Server database.

Application Pool Identity


Step 5: Type the “User name” and “Password” and click on “OK”.

Set Credentials


Now the Report Server application will have access to its database using this account.

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