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How to retrieve the selected state of a tab page in WinForms TabControlAdv?

1 min read

Retrieve the selected state of tab page

In TabControlAdv, it is possible to retrieve the selected state of a TabPageAdv. This article demonstrates the steps to retrieve the selected state of tab pages. The steps are,

1. Create a custom control inherited from the TabPageAdv.

2. Implement a Boolean property named IsSelected that holds selected state of TabPageAdv.

3. Return IsSelected property value by comparing the SelectedTab property of TabControlExt with the instance of page.


/// <summary>
/// Class that Extends TabPageAdv
/// </summary>
public class TabPageExt : TabPageAdv
/// <summary>
/// Gets whether the Tab is Selected
/// </summary>
public bool IsSelected
        if(this.Parent is TabControlAdv)
            if((this.Parent as TabControlAdv).SelectedTab == this)
               return true;
        return false;


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