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What are all the inbuilt themes available in WinForms MessageBoxAdv control?

2 mins read


MessageBoxAdv control supports below list of Themes.


  • Office2007 Style.
  • Office2010 Style.
  • Metro Style.
  • Office2013 Style.
  • Office2016 Style.


Office2007 Style

This Office2007 Style provides Microsoft Office 2007 like appearance for MessageBoxAdv control. The following Code samples demonstrates the same.


//Office2007 Theme Style
// set the theme style as Office2007
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Default;
//set the theme color as Black
 MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Black;
//set the theme color as Blue
 MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Blue;
//set the theme color as Silver
 MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Silver;
//set custom color
MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Managed;
Office2007Colors.ApplyManagedColors(this, Color.Red);


'Office2007 Theme Style
‘set the theme style as Office2007
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Default
'set the theme color as Black
 MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Black
'set the theme color as Blue
MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Blue
 'set the theme color as Silver
 MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Silver
'set custom color  
MessageBoxAdv.Office2007Theme = Office2007Theme.Managed
Office2007Colors.ApplyManagedColors(Me, Color.Red)



Applied Office2007 style to MessageBoxAdv

  Figure 1: Office2007 Style.


Office2010 Style

This Office2010 Style provides Microsoft Office 2010 like appearance for MessageBoxAdv control. The following Code samples demonstrates the same.


//Office2010 Theme Style
//set the theme style is Office2010 Theme
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Office2010;
//set theme color as Black
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Black;
//set theme color as Blue
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Blue;
//set theme color as Silver
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Silver;
//set custom color
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Managed;
Office2010Colors.ApplyManagedColors(this, Color.Red);


'Office2010 Theme Style
‘set the theme style is Office2010 Theme
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Office2010
'set theme color as Black
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Black 
'set theme color as Blue
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Blue 
'set theme color as Silver
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Silver
'set custom color
MessageBoxAdv.Office2010Theme = Office2010Theme.Managed
Office2010Colors.ApplyManagedColors(this, Color.Red)



Applied Office2010 style to MessageBoxAdv

 Figure 2: Office2010 Style.


Metro Style

This Metro Style provides Metro application like flat appearance for MessageBoxAdv control. The following Code samples demonstrates the same.


//Metro Style 
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Metro;



'Metro Style 
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Metro



Applied Metro style to MessageBoxAdv

  Figure 3: Metro Style.


Office2013 Style

This Office2013 Style provides Microsoft Office 2013 like appearance for MessageBoxAdv control. The following Code samples demonstrates the same.


//Office2013 Theme Style
// set the theme style is Office2013 Theme
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Office2013;
//set the theme color as DarkGray
MessageBoxAdv.Office2013Theme = Office2013Theme.DarkGray;
//set the theme color as LightGray
MessageBoxAdv.Office2013Theme = Office2013Theme.LightGray;
//set the theme color as White
MessageBoxAdv.Office2013Theme = Office2013Theme.White;


'Office2013 Theme Style
‘set the theme style is Office2013 Theme
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Office2013
'set the theme color as DarkGray
MessageBoxAdv.Office2013Theme = Office2013Theme.DarkGray
'set the theme color as LightGray
MessageBoxAdv.Office2013Theme = Office2013Theme.LightGray
'set the theme color as White
MessageBoxAdv.Office2013Theme = Office2013Theme.White




Applied Office2013 style to MessageBoxAdv

 Figure 4: Office 2013 Style.


Office2016 Style

This Office2016 Style provides Microsoft Office 2016 like appearance for MessageBoxAdv control.

The following Code sample demonstrates the same.


//Office2016 Theme Style
// set the theme style is Office2016 Theme
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Office2016;
//set the theme color as Colorful  
MessageBoxAdv.Office2016Theme = Office2016Theme.Colorful;
//set the theme color as DarkGray
MessageBoxAdv.Office2016Theme = Office2016Theme.DarkGray;
//set the theme color as White
MessageBoxAdv.Office2016Theme = Office2016Theme.White;


'Office2016 Theme Style
‘set the theme style is Office2016 Theme
MessageBoxAdv.MessageBoxStyle = MessageBoxAdv.Style.Office2016
'set the theme color as Colorful  
MessageBoxAdv.Office2016Theme = Office2016Theme.Colorful
'set the theme color as DarkGray
MessageBoxAdv.Office2016Theme = Office2016Theme.DarkGray
'set the theme color as White
MessageBoxAdv.Office2016Theme = Office2016Theme.White



Applied Office2016 style to MessageBoxAdv

 Figure 5: Office2016 Style.


C#: MessageBoxAdvThemeSupport

VB: MessageBoxAdvThemeSupport

Reference link:

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