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How to add images to a table cell using Essential Presentation library

1 min read

Essential Presentation library supports adding background images for table cells. You can add a background image for a table cell by choosing the “FillType” as “Picture” for the cell’s background.


Please find the code example for this as below.


//Create an instance of PowerPoint Presentation 
IPresentation presentation = Presentation.Create();
//Add a blank slide to the presentation.
ISlide slide = presentation.Slides.Add(SlideLayoutType.Blank);
//Add a table with 4 rows and 4 columns with specified size.
ITable table = slide.Tables.AddTable(4, 4, 50, 50, 500, 400);
//Get an image instance from file.
Syncfusion.Drawing.Image image = Syncfusion.Drawing.Image.FromFile("image.png");
//Get the instance of first cell from first row.
ICell cell = table.Rows[0].Cells[0] as ICell;
//Set fill type as Picture.
cell.Fill.FillType = FillType.Picture;
//Set image bytes for picture fill image.
cell.Fill.PictureFill.ImageBytes = image.ImageData;
//Save presentation with specified file name.



You can find the complete sample here.


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