Does SfNumericUpDown supports other formats
Syncfusion NumericUpDown in Xamarin provides FormatString to denote the Numerical values in Currency, Percentage and Number format. By default, the numbers will be in Number Format. To change it as Currency or Percentage mode use the following procedure.
To set FormatString property follow the below given procedure:
Step 1: Create SfNumericUpDown and add assemblies to the program.
Step 2: Set FormatString as “p” or “P” to display the number Percentage format. Set FormatString as “c” or “C” to display the number in Currency format. Set FormatString as “n” or “N” to display the number in Normal numeric format.
The below code illustrates the way to achieve this.
Code Snippet
<StackLayout Padding="20"> <numeric:SfNumericUpDown x:Name="numericUpDown" FormatString="c" Value="5"/> </StackLayout> |
Image for FormatString = “c”: |
Image for FormatString = “p”: |
Image for FormatString = “n”: |