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How to customize the header text of a grid column with different colors?

1 min read

SfDataGrid allows you customize the header text of a grid column with different colors using the SfDataGrid.HeaderTemplate. You can load two labels inside a StackLayout with horizontal orientation and customize the text color of the Labels to achieve the requirement.


The below code example illustrates how to customize the header text of a grid column with different colors using the GridColumn.HeaderTemplate.

<sfGrid:SfDataGrid x:Name ="dataGrid"



                         ItemsSource="{Binding OrdersInfo}">


     <sfGrid:GridTextColumn MappingName="OrderID">



             <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">

                <Label Text="Order" TextColor="Purple" />

                <Label Text="ID" TextColor="Blue" />





   <sfGrid:GridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerID"/>

    <sfGrid:GridTextColumn MappingName="Freight"/>

    <sfGrid:GridTextColumn MappingName="Country"/>




On executing the above code example, the below output is obtained.


Sample Link

How to customize the header text with different colors?

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