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How to load SfDataGrid dynamically with JSON data in Xamarin.Forms?

2 mins read


JSON data cannot be bound directly to Xamarin DataGrid. To bind SfDataGrid with JSON data, we must deserialize the JSON data to a bindable format. You can use the open source NuGet Newtonsoft.Json to serialize and deserialize JSON objects.

Xamarin.Forms have limitations in loading dynamic object (Expando object). Hence dynamic objects can be loaded only using dictionary collection. Refer the dynamic limitations for more details.

JSON data can be parsed into a dictionary collection using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(json_object).

You can then convert the list of dictionary objects to an observable collection if your data source need to respond to collection changes.

The List of Dictionary objects or the converted ObservableCollection can now be binded as ItemsSource of SfDataGrid.

Refer the below example in which the list of dictionary objects are converted as an ObservableCollection and bound to SfDataGrid.


public class ViewModel
        public const string JsonData = "[{\"OrderID\":1,\"EmployeeID\":100,\"FirstName\":'Gina',\"LastName\":'Gable'}," +
                                       "{\"OrderID\":2,\"EmployeeID\":200,\"FirstName\":'Danielle',\"LastName\":'Rooney'}," +
                                      "{\"OrderID\":3,\"EmployeeID\":300,\"FirstName\":'Frank',\"LastName\":'Gable'},]" ;
       public ObservableCollection<DynamicModel> DynamicCollection { get; set; }
       public List<Dictionary<string, object>> DynamicJsonCollection { get; set; }
        public ViewModel()
            DynamicJsonCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(JsonData);
            DynamicCollection = PopulateData();
        private ObservableCollection<DynamicModel> PopulateData()
            var data = new ObservableCollection<DynamicModel>();
            foreach (var item in DynamicJsonCollection)
                var obj = new DynamicModel() { Values = item };
            return data;



public class DynamicModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public Dictionary<string, object> data;
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        public Dictionary<string, object> Values
                return data;
                data = value;
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Values"));
        public DynamicModel()
            this. data = new Dictionary<string, object>();



You can set the deserialized data to the SfDataGrid by using the below

public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        private SfDataGrid grid;
        private ViewModel viewModel;
        public MainPage()
            grid = new SfDataGrid();
            viewModel = new ViewModel();
            grid.AllowSorting = true;
            grid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            grid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Star;
            grid.ItemsSource = viewModel.DynamicCollection;
            grid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn()
                HeaderText = "Order ID",
                MappingName = "Values[OrderID]",
                LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.WordWrap,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                HeaderTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
            grid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn()
                HeaderText = "Customer ID",
                MappingName = "Values[EmployeeID]",
                LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.WordWrap,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                HeaderTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
        this.Content = grid;



In order to apply sorting for JSON data, you have to customize the GridQueryableCollectionViewWrapper class and initialize the customized GridQueryableCollectionViewWrapper while setting the ItemSource to SfDataGrid.


Refer the below code example to customize the GridQueryableCollectionViewWrapper class.

public class QueryableViewExt : GridQueryableCollectionViewWrapper
        public QueryableViewExt(IEnumerable source, SfDataGrid grid) : base(source, grid)
        public override Expression<Func<string, object, object>> GetExpressionFunc(string propertyName, DataOperation operation = DataOperation.Default, DataReflectionMode reflectionMode = DataReflectionMode.Default)
            Expression<Func<string, object, object>> exp = base.GetExpressionFunc(propertyName, operation, reflectionMode);
            if (exp == null)
                Func<string, object, object> func;
                func = (propertyname, record) =>
                    var provider = this.GetPropertyAccessProvider();
                    return provider.GetValue(record, propertyName);
                exp = (propertyname, record) => func(propertyName, record);
            return exp;



// grid.ItemsSource = viewModel.DynamicCollection;
grid.ItemsSource = new QueryableViewExt(viewModel.DynamicCollection, grid);


Sample Link: How to load SfDataGrid dynamically with JSON data without POCO classes?



I hope you enjoyed learning about how to load SfDataGrid dynamically with JSON data in Xamarin.Forms

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