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Updating the Image or currently clicked Node as a Cursor using Diagram Control

1 min read

Cursor changed to Selected Node image

In diagram control, we have built-in support to create the cursor as currently selected/clicked node shape by using Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.ImageCursor’s CreateCursor() method. 

The following code illustrated to change cursor as Node’s image while select/clicking the node in PaletteGroupBar.


//Registering the events
paletteGroupBar1.NodeDoubleClick += paletteGroupBar1_NodeDoubleClick;
private void paletteGroupBar1_NodeDoubleClick(object sender, NodeEventArgs evtArgs)
//Get the index of the node currently clicked in palette
int index = paletteGroupBar1.CurrentSymbolPalette.Nodes.IndexOf(evtArgs.Node as Node);
//Get the image of the node 
Bitmap image = paletteGroupBar1.CurrentSymbolPalette.LargeImageList.Images[index] as Bitmap;
//Activating the customized tool
//change the cursor as an image
diagram1.Controller.ActiveTool.ActionCursor = ImageCursor.CreateCursor(image, 40, 40);



'Registering the events
paletteGroupBar1.NodeDoubleClick += paletteGroupBar1_NodeDoubleClick
Private Sub paletteGroupBar1_NodeDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal evtArgs As NodeEventArgs)
'Get the index of the node currently clicked in palette
Dim index As Integer = paletteGroupBar1.CurrentSymbolPalette.Nodes.IndexOf(TryCast(evtArgs.Node, Node))
'Get the image of the node 
Dim image As Bitmap = TryCast(paletteGroupBar1.CurrentSymbolPalette.LargeImageList.Images(index), Bitmap)
'Activating the customized tool
'change the cursor as an image
diagram1.Controller.ActiveTool.ActionCursor = ImageCursor.CreateCursor(image, 40, 40)
End Sub


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