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How can I display the ContextMenu over the TreeViewItemAdv in TreeViewAdv?

1 min read

To display the ContextMenu over the TreeViewItemAdv when right click has been made, create your own ContextMenu in the resources of TreeViewAdv and bind it to the TreeViewItemAdv using its “ContextMenu” property.


The following code example demonstrates the same.


<syncfusion:TreeViewAdv Name="treeViewAdv" IsExpandOnDrop="True">           
           <!--Create ContextMenu which needs to be shown-->
              <ContextMenu x:Key="MyContext">
                 <MenuItem Header="Cut" IsEnabled="True"  
                 <MenuItem Header="Copy" Command="ApplicationCommands.Copy"/>
                 <MenuItem Header="Paste" Command="ApplicationCommands.Paste"/>
    <syncfusion:TreeViewItemAdv IsEditable="True" ContextMenu="{StaticResource MyContext}" Name="treeviewitem" Header="Asia">
          <syncfusion:TreeViewItemAdv Header="India"/>
          <syncfusion:TreeViewItemAdv Header="China"/>
          <syncfusion:TreeViewItemAdv Header="Japan"/>
          <syncfusion:TreeViewItemAdv Header="Italy"/>





            Fig 1: Display ContextMenu for the TreeViewItemAdv in TreeViewAdv

Sample Link: How can I display the ContextMenu over the TreeViewItemAdv in TreeViewAdv?





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