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How to customize Rim position for Scale

2 mins read

This article explains the steps required to customize the Scale Positions.

Scale Rim position can be customized by using the following two ways:

  1. RadiusFactor property is used to define where the Rim position starts and ends. To increase the rim thickness, use RimThickness property.


<xForms:SfCircularGauge x:Name="circularGauge" BackgroundColor="White" HeightRequest="160" WidthRequest="80">
<gauge:Scale x:Name="scale" StartAngle="270" StartValue="0" EndValue="16" Interval="2" LabelOffset="0.75" SweepAngle="360" MinorTicksPerInterval="1" ShowLastLabel="False" RadiusFactor="0.99" RimThickness="15" RimColor="#E0E0E0" LabelColor="#4B4B4B"/>


  1. ScaleStartOffset property is used to define where the scale position starts, and ScaleEndOffset property is used to define where the scale position ends.


<xForms:SfCircularGauge x:Name="circularGauge" BackgroundColor="White" HeightRequest="160" WidthRequest="80">
         <gauge:Scale x:Name="scale" StartAngle="270" StartValue="0" EndValue="16" Interval="2" LabelOffset="0.75" SweepAngle="360" MinorTicksPerInterval="1" ShowLastLabel="False" RimColor="#E0E0E0" 


  1. Additionally, pointers and ticks are added to the Scales.




    <gauge:NeedlePointer x:Name="pointer1" Value="14" Color="#f03e3e" Type="Triangle"
            LengthFactor="0.65" Thickness="20" KnobRadiusFactor="0" KnobColor="White"
            KnobStrokeWidth="3" KnobStrokeColor="White" />
     <gauge:NeedlePointer x:Name="pointer2" Value="6" Type="Triangle" LengthFactor="0.65" Thickness="20" Color="#9E9E9E" KnobRadiusFactor="0.11" KnobColor="White" KnobStrokeWidth="3" KnobStrokeColor="White" />
   <gauge:TickSettings x:Name="majorTicks" StartOffset="0.9" EndOffset="0.83" Thickness="2" Color="#9E9E9E"/>
    <gauge:TickSettings x:Name="minorTicks" StartOffset="0.9" EndOffset="0.85" Thickness="2" Color="#9E9E9E"/>



The following screenshot illustrates the Customized Gauge,


Rim position customization using xamarin SfCircularGauge

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