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How to apply the custom assemblies when configured the project with Syncfusion NuGet packages?

2 mins read

The custom assemblies are given to resolve the defect in a component. However, referring or replacing the custom assemblies when the NuGet packages for the component is installed will not have any effect in resolving the issue. The assemblies from the installed NuGet packages will be restored when you deploy the application in devices.


Follow the below steps to avoid referring of old packages:

  • Copy down the required old assemblies (such as Data.Portable or other assemblies) that are not part of the custom assemblies from the extracted NuGet packages lib folder to a different folder for a backup.

    Old package location

    Backup folder location:

    Backup Location

  • Replace the given custom assemblies containing the fix in your backup folder.

    Custom Assemblies

  • Right click on the project and select the “Manage NuGet packages for solution”


Manage packages for all solution


  • Browse for “SfDataGrid” or any other component(s) for which the custom assemblies have to be replaced and uninstall the NuGet package(s).

    SfDataGrid Components

  • After Uninstalling the NuGet Packages, add the custom assemblies as manual references from the backup folder.
  • In Portable class you can find the References option, right click on the References -> Add Reference…
  • Now you can manually refer the custom assemblies from the backup location to the portable and the other individual platform projects based on the Assembly Deployment.

    Browse Custom Assemblies


Add Custom Assemblies

  • Similarly, in Android, iOS and UWP projects, refer the custom assemblies and the other required assemblies based on the Assembly Deployment as shown above.


The version for all the dependent assemblies must be same.

Now deploy the sample with attached custom assemblies to successfully apply the patch. In these cases, old NuGet packages will not be restored. Only the attached custom assemblies will be referred.

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