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Minimum software and hardware requirements for Data Integration Platform installation in Azure VM

2 mins read

The following system configuration details explain software and hardware recommendations to run Data Integration Platform on Azure VM.


Software requirements

  • Windows 7 or later
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or later


Hardware requirements

  • Total RAM – 14 GB
  • Total Disk – 135 GB
  • Core – 2 cores (in built)



Memory and Disk usage  

Data Integration Platform 

4 GB of Memory and 50 GB of Disk space  

Dashboard server and Data Agent   

2 GB for Dashboard Server, 4 GB for Data Agent of memory and 2.5 GB of disk  

Data Base server (MS SQL)  

2 GB of memory and disk based on the data velocity. 


Azure VM  

Cost/Month in USD  

A5:2 cores, 14 GB RAM, 135GB disk.  

USD 245.52  

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