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How to resolve SfMaps not rendering issue in iOS and UWP

1 min read


By default, xamarin does not load the renderer rendered assemblies in iOS and UWP projects.

To solve this, you must manually load it by creating an instance of SfMapsRenderer class in the respective projects as mentioned below.


iOS Project

Create an instance of SfMapsRenderer in FinishedLaunching overridden method of AppDelegate class in iOS Project as shown below,


public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
     new Syncfusion.SfMaps.XForms.iOS.SfMapsRenderer();



UWP Project

Create an instance of SfMapsRenderer in the constructor of MainPage in UWP project as shown below,


public MainPage()
    new Syncfusion.SfMaps.XForms.UWP.SfMapsRenderer(); 



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