How to export the Diagram as a PDF in the WPF Diagram?
WPF Diagram (SfDiagram) does not have the built-in support to convert the diagram to PDF file, but it can be achieved by exporting the diagram as an XPS file and then, convert the exported XPS file to PDF using the Syncfusion.XPS.XPSToPdfConverter.
Exporting XPS
To export the diagram as an XPS file, enable the IsSaveToXps property of the ExportSettings class and specify the file name with the “.xps” extension.
Exporting XPS to PDF
The XPS document can be converted into PDF file using the XPSToPdfConverter class of PDF library.
<Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="100"/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <syncfusion:SfDiagram x:Name="diagram" Grid.Column="0"> <syncfusion:SfDiagram.Nodes> <syncfusion:NodeCollection> <syncfusion:NodeViewModel OffsetX="100" OffsetY="100" UnitHeight="100" UnitWidth="100"/> </syncfusion:NodeCollection> </syncfusion:SfDiagram.Nodes> <syncfusion:SfDiagram.Connectors> <syncfusion:ConnectorCollection> <syncfusion:ConnectorViewModel SourcePoint="100,100" TargetPoint="200,200" /> </syncfusion:ConnectorCollection> </syncfusion:SfDiagram.Connectors> </syncfusion:SfDiagram> <Button x:Name="Export" Grid.Column="1" Click="Export _Click" Content="Export"/> </Grid>
private void Export _Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { diagram.ExportSettings = new ExportSettings() { IsSaveToXps = true, FileName = "export.xps", }; (diagram.Info as IGraphInfo).Export(); var converter = new XPSToPdfConverter { }; var document = new PdfDocument(); document = converter.Convert("export.xps"); document.Save("export.pdf"); document.Close(true); }
I hope you enjoyed learning about how export the Diagram as a PDF in the WPF Diagram (SfDiagram).
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