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Difference between the Unlock key and Licensing key

1 min read

The unlock key and the license key are used for difference purpose.

Installer unlock key


The unlock key is used to install the Syncfusion offline installer and the key starts with ‘@’ ends with ‘=’.  All Syncfusion installers require the unlock key or Syncfusion account which generate the unlock key to install on your machine. If the key is invalid, it will not allow to install. The unlock key can be generated from the License & Downloads section of the Syncfusion website.

The option to generate a unlock key

Refer the screenshot for applying the Unlock key.

Unlock key option to install Essential Studio setup

Licensing Key


Syncfusion has been introduced the licensing system from the version License key is just a string that should be registered in the application before any Syncfusion control is initiated.

The License key can be generated from the License & Downloads section of the Syncfusion website.

The option to generate a license key

The generated license key should be used in the application to remove the licensing exception message. Refer the Licensing help document to register the licensing key in different platform applications.

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