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How to hide the TabItemExt header in TabControlExt?

1 min read

In TabControlExt, there is no direct option to hide TabItemExt Headers and we have placed TabItemExt Headers on TabLayoutPanel container. So, you can hide the TabItemExt Header by collapsing TabLayoutPanel visibility.


The following code demonstrates the same.


Code Example: [Xaml]


<syncfusion:TabControlExt Grid.Row="1" Name="Tabcontrol" Loaded="TabControlExt_Loaded">
<syncfusion:TabItemExt Header="Tab1">
<TextBlock Text="Block1"></TextBlock>
<syncfusion:TabItemExt Header="Tab2">
<TextBlock Text="Block2"></TextBlock>
<syncfusion:TabItemExt Header="Tab3">
<TextBlock Text="Block3"></TextBlock>


Code Example: [C#]


private void TabControlExt_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TabLayoutPanel panel = VisualUtils.FindDescendant(sender as TabControlExt, 
typeof(TabLayoutPanel)) as   TabLayoutPanel;
if (panel != null)
//Collapse the tab item header
panel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;




Graphical user interface, application

Figure: Tab header hided for all tab items.



You can select TabItemExt by using TabListContextMenu.


Sample: HideTabHeaderSample





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