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To know which of the connectors are connected to the node

1 min read

Edges Information

In our diagram control, we can use Node’s Edges/EdgesLeaving/EdgesEntering properties to know which of the connectors are connected to the current node.  





To get all the connectors to connected with the node


To get all the connectors which are leaving from the nodes


to get all the connectors which are entering to the nodes



Please refer to the below code example. 


Code example: 




Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(20, 20, 100, 100); 
//To get all the connectors to connected with the node... 
NodeCollection edges = ellipse.Edges as NodeCollection; 
//to get all the connectors which are entering to the nodes... 
NodeCollection edgesEntering = ellipse.EdgesEntering as NodeCollection; 
///To get all the connetors which are leaving from the nodes... 
NodeCollection edgesLeaving = ellipse.EdgesLeaving as NodeCollection; 




Dim ellipse As New Ellipse(20, 20, 100, 100)
'To get all the connectors to connected with the node... 
Dim edges As NodeCollection = TryCast(ellipse.Edges, NodeCollection)
'to get all the connectors which are entering to the nodes... 
Dim edgesEntering As NodeCollection = TryCast(ellipse.EdgesEntering, NodeCollection)
'''To get all the connetors which are leaving from the nodes... 
Dim edgesLeaving As NodeCollection = TryCast(ellipse.EdgesLeaving, NodeCollection)


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