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How do I set up State Persistence for Radial Gauge control?

2 mins read

State Persistence support helps end users to save the application / controls customization based on their needs. So, it is a very essential feature and some controls may not have support to Serialize and Deserialize its customization settings by built-in.  This article will provide guidance to configure State Persistence for those controls in sample application level. 


For example


Here we have considered WinForms RadialGauge control. At present RadialGauge doesn’t have built-in State Persistence support and its property information can be programmatically saved / load from XML by following below steps.


Step 1: Define Class that helps Serialize / De-Serialize RadialGauge property details and mark it as XMLRoot attribute.

Step 2: Implement required properties of RadialGauge that needs to be Serialized / De-Serialized in this class and mark it as XMLElement attribute.

Step 3: Save those properties using XMLTextWriter class, that helps to store information in XML file.

Step 4: Load those properties using XMLTextReader class, that helps to retrieve information from XML file.


For example


Here, we have Serialized / Deserialized the “Value” and “VisualStyle” properties of RadialGauge control.


The following code demonstrates the same.


Code Example: [C#]


//codes in form1.cs
//Save RadialGauge state
//For Save
public void SaveRadialGaugeProperties(string filename)
string path = @"\" + filename;
List<RadialGaugeAdvSettings> settingsList = new List<RadialGaugeAdvSettings>();
RadialGaugeAdvSettings s_settings = new RadialGaugeAdvSettings();
s_settings.Value = this.radialGauge1.Value;
s_settings.VisualStyle = this.radialGauge1.VisualStyle;
using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(Environment.CurrentDirectory + path, Encoding.UTF8))
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<RadialGaugeAdvSettings>));
serializer.Serialize(writer, settingsList);
//For load
public void LoadRadialGaugeProperties(string filename)
string path = @"\" + filename;
if (File.Exists(filename))
FileStream stream = new FileStream((Environment.CurrentDirectory + path), FileMode.Open);
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stream);
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<RadialGaugeAdvSettings>));
List<RadialGaugeAdvSettings> savedsettings =
foreach (var settings in savedsettings)
this.radialGauge1.Value = settings.Value;
this.radialGauge1.VisualStyle = settings.VisualStyle;
//Codes in RadialGaugeAdv.cs
public class RadialGaugeAdvSettings
public float Value
public ThemeStyle VisualStyle


Code Example: [VB]


'Codes in Form1.vb
'Save RadialGauge state
'For Save
Public Sub SaveRadialGaugeProperties(ByVal filename As String)
Dim path As String = "\" & filename
Dim settingsList As New List(Of RadialGaugeAdvSettings)()
Dim s_settings As New RadialGaugeAdvSettings()
s_settings.Value = Me.radialGauge1.Value
s_settings.VisualStyle = Me.radialGauge1.VisualStyle
Using writer As New XmlTextWriter(Environment.CurrentDirectory & path, Encoding.UTF8)
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(List(Of RadialGaugeAdvSettings)))
serializer.Serialize(writer, settingsList)
End Using
End Sub
'For load
Public Sub LoadRadialGaugeProperties(ByVal filename As String)
Dim path As String = "\" & filename
If File.Exists(filename) Then
Dim stream As New FileStream((Environment.CurrentDirectory & path), FileMode.Open)
Dim reader As New XmlTextReader(stream)
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(List(Of RadialGaugeAdvSettings)))
Dim savedsettings As List(Of RadialGaugeAdvSettings) =
DirectCast(serializer.Deserialize(reader), List(Of RadialGaugeAdvSettings))
For Each settings In savedsettings
Me.radialGauge1.Value = settings.Value
Me.radialGauge1.VisualStyle = settings.VisualStyle
Next settings
End If
End Sub
'Codes in RadialGaugeAdv.vb
Public Class RadialGaugeAdvSettings
Public Property Value() As Single
Public Property VisualStyle() As ThemeStyle
End Class




C#:  RadialGaugeSerializationSample


VB:  RadialGaugeSerializationSample



I hope you enjoyed learning about how to configure State Persistence for WinForms Radial Gauge control.

You can refer to our  WinForms Radial Gauge feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our  WinForms Radial Gauge examples to understand how to present and manipulate data.

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