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How to configure custom buttons in WinForms MessageBoxAdv?

1 min read

Configure custom buttons

MessageBoxAdv has support for set of built-in button combinations and it also has support to configure own set of custom Buttons combination based on application requirement. For example, Here, we are configuring the button combination Okay, Cancel and Help.


// Defining custom buttons
string[] CustomButtons = new string[] { "Okay", "Cancel", "Help" };
// To retrieve clicked button index
int clickedIndex = MessageBoxAdv.Show(this, "Custom Buttons", "Custom Button combination", CustomButtons) - 1;
// Displaying clicked button information
if (clickedIndex < CustomButtons.Length)
    MessageBox.Show("Selected : " + CustomButtons[clickedIndex].ToString());


' Defining custom buttons
Dim CustomButtons() As String = { "Okay", "Cancel", "Help" }
' To retrieve clicked button index
Dim clickedIndex As Integer = MessageBoxAdv.Show(Me, "Custom Buttons", "Custom Button combination", CustomButtons) - 1
' Displaying clicked button information
If clickedIndex < CustomButtons.Length Then
    MessageBox.Show("Selected : " & CustomButtons(clickedIndex).ToString())
End If

Sample: Example 

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