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How to skip selection for summary rows in WinForms DataGrid (SfDataGrid)?

4 mins read

Skip Selection for summary rows

By default, the group summary and caption summary rows will be selected on both mouse click and arrow keys navigation. You can skip the pointer selection and arrow key navigation for these summary rows by creating a custom SelectionController and overriding the HandlePointerOperations and ProcessArrowKeysForSingleMultipleSelection methods respectively.


public Form1()
    this.sfDataGrid.SelectionController = new CustomRowSelectionController(this.sfDataGrid);
public class CustomRowSelectionController : RowSelectionController
    SfDataGrid DataGrid;
    public CustomRowSelectionController(SfDataGrid sfDataGrid)
        : base(sfDataGrid)
        this.DataGrid = sfDataGrid;
    protected override void HandlePointerOperations(Syncfusion.WinForms.DataGrid.Events.DataGridPointerEventArgs args, RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex)
        if (this.IsCaptionSummaryRow(rowColumnIndex.RowIndex) || this.IsGroupSummaryRow(rowColumnIndex.RowIndex))
        base.HandlePointerOperations(args, rowColumnIndex);
    protected override void ProcessArrowKeysForSingleMultipleSelection(KeyEventArgs args)
        if (args.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
            this.DataGrid.MoveToCurrentCell(new RowColumnIndex(this.GetPreviousRecordRowIndex(this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex), this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex));
        else if (args.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
            this.DataGrid.MoveToCurrentCell(new RowColumnIndex(this.GetNextRecordRowIndex(this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex), this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex));
    bool IsCaptionSummaryRow(int rowIndex)
        var startIndex = this.DataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition();
        var record = this.DataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements[rowIndex - startIndex];
        return record != null && record is Group;
    bool IsGroupSummaryRow(int rowIndex)
        var startIndex = this.DataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition();
        var record = this.DataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements[rowIndex - startIndex];
        return record != null && record is SummaryRecordEntry;
    private int GetNextRecordRowIndex(int currentRowIndex)
        int nextRecordRowIndex = currentRowIndex + 1;
        if (nextRecordRowIndex > this.GetLastRowIndex(this.DataGrid))
            return this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
        if (!this.IsCaptionSummaryRow(nextRecordRowIndex) && !this.IsGroupSummaryRow(nextRecordRowIndex))
            return nextRecordRowIndex;
            return GetNextRecordRowIndex(nextRecordRowIndex);
    private int GetLastRowIndex(SfDataGrid dataGrid)
        if (dataGrid.View.Records.Count == 0)
            return -1;
        var footerCount = dataGrid.GetUnboundRowsCount(VerticalPosition.Bottom, true);
        int count = 0;
        int index = dataGrid.RowCount - (dataGrid.TableControl.GetTableSummaryCount(VerticalPosition.Bottom) + footerCount + 1);
        if (dataGrid.AddNewRowPosition == RowPosition.Bottom)
            index -= 1;
        if (dataGrid.FilterRowPosition == RowPosition.Bottom)
            index -= 1;
        for (int start = index; start >= 0; start--)
            if (!dataGrid.TableControl.RowHeights.GetHidden(start, out count))
                return start;
        return index;
    private int GetPreviousRecordRowIndex(int currentRowIndex)
        int previousRecordRowIndex = currentRowIndex - 1;
        if (previousRecordRowIndex <= 0)
            return this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
        if (!this.IsCaptionSummaryRow(previousRecordRowIndex) && !this.IsGroupSummaryRow(previousRecordRowIndex))
            return previousRecordRowIndex;
            return GetPreviousRecordRowIndex(previousRecordRowIndex);


Public Sub New()
    Me.sfDataGrid.SelectionController = New CustomRowSelectionController(Me.sfDataGrid)
End Sub
Public Class CustomRowSelectionController
    Inherits RowSelectionController
    Private DataGrid As SfDataGrid
    Public Sub New(ByVal sfDataGrid As SfDataGrid)
         Me.DataGrid = sfDataGrid
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub HandlePointerOperations(ByVal args As Syncfusion.WinForms.DataGrid.Events.DataGridPointerEventArgs, ByVal rowColumnIndex As RowColumnIndex)
       If Me.IsCaptionSummaryRow(rowColumnIndex.RowIndex) OrElse         Me.IsGroupSummaryRow(rowColumnIndex.RowIndex) Then
       End If
       MyBase.HandlePointerOperations(args, rowColumnIndex)
   End Sub
   Protected Overrides Sub ProcessArrowKeysForSingleMultipleSelection(ByVal args As KeyEventArgs)
       If args.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
          Me.DataGrid.MoveToCurrentCell(New RowColumnIndex(Me.GetPreviousRecordRowIndex(Me.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex),       Me.DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex))
       ElseIf args.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then
          Me.DataGrid.MoveToCurrentCell(New RowColumnIndex(Me.GetNextRecordRowIndex(Me.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex), Me.DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex))
       End If
   End Sub
   Private Function IsCaptionSummaryRow(ByVal rowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
       Dim startIndex = Me.DataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition()
       Dim record = Me.DataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements(rowIndex - startIndex)
       Return record IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf record Is Group
   End Function
   Private Function IsGroupSummaryRow(ByVal rowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
       Dim startIndex = Me.DataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition()
       Dim record = Me.DataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements(rowIndex - startIndex)
       Return record IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf record Is SummaryRecordEntry
   End Function
   Private Function GetNextRecordRowIndex(ByVal currentRowIndex As Integer) As Integer
       Dim nextRecordRowIndex As Integer = currentRowIndex + 1
       If nextRecordRowIndex > Me.GetLastRowIndex(Me.DataGrid) Then
          Return Me.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex
       End If
       If (Not Me.IsCaptionSummaryRow(nextRecordRowIndex)) AndAlso (Not Me.IsGroupSummaryRow(nextRecordRowIndex)) Then
          Return nextRecordRowIndex
          Return GetNextRecordRowIndex(nextRecordRowIndex)
       End If
   End Function
    Private Function GetLastRowIndex(ByVal dataGrid As SfDataGrid) As Integer
        If dataGrid.View.Records.Count = 0 Then
           Return -1
        End If
        Dim footerCount = dataGrid.GetUnboundRowsCount(VerticalPosition.Bottom, True)
        Dim count As Integer = 0
        Dim index As Integer = dataGrid.RowCount - (dataGrid.TableControl.GetTableSummaryCount(VerticalPosition.Bottom) + footerCount + 1)
        If dataGrid.AddNewRowPosition = RowPosition.Bottom Then
          index -= 1
       End If
       If dataGrid.FilterRowPosition = RowPosition.Bottom Then
          index -= 1
       End If
       For start As Integer = index To 0 Step -1
          If Not dataGrid.TableControl.RowHeights.GetHidden(start, count) Then
             Return start
          End If
       Next start
       Return index
    End Function
    Private Function GetPreviousRecordRowIndex(ByVal currentRowIndex As Integer) As Integer
        Dim previousRecordRowIndex As Integer = currentRowIndex - 1
        If previousRecordRowIndex <= 0 Then
          Return Me.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex
        End If
        If (Not Me.IsCaptionSummaryRow(previousRecordRowIndex)) AndAlso (Not Me.IsGroupSummaryRow(previousRecordRowIndex)) Then
          Return previousRecordRowIndex
          Return GetPreviousRecordRowIndex(previousRecordRowIndex)
        End If
    End Function
End Class

Sample: How to skip selection for summary rows?    


I hope you enjoyed learning about how to skip selection for summary rows in WinForms DataGrid (SfDataGrid).

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