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How to create signature pad using imageeditor?

2 mins read

This section explains how to  create signature pad using imageeditor.

 Create SfImageEditor sample with all necessary assemblies.

 Please refer the below link to create a simple SfImageEditor sample along with the ways to configure it.


Please refer the below steps to create signature pad with toolbar and without using toolbar



Without using toolbar:


Step 1: To create signature pad, you need to set toolbar visibility to false in image editor as like below code snippet


signatureEditor.ToolbarSettings.IsVisible = false;



Step 2: To add signature in image editor, you need to set Add Shape as path when loading image editor   in sample as like below


  Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), () =>
                    signatureEditor.AddShape(ShapeType.Path, new PenSettings());
                    return false;


Step 3: To save the signature, you need to call save method in button click.


     void Save_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)



Step 4: To get the stream of saved signature, need to call image saving event as like below


SignatureEditor.ImageSaving += (sender, args) =>
                args.Cancel = true;
               var stream = args.Stream;


Step 5: To clear the signature, you need to call reset method in button click as like below


private void Reset_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)



Screen Shot:


CCreated a signature pad without using toolbar in SfImageEditor.

Sample Link:


Using Toolbar:


Step 1: Select path or draw icon to add signature in image editor


Step 2: Select Save toolbar item to save the signature.


Step 3: To get the stream of saved signature, need to call image saving event as mentioned in above step 4.


Step 4: To clear the signature, you need to select reset toolbar item.



Screen Shot:


Created a signature pad using toolbar in SfImageEditor.



Sample Link:


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