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Who can access Source license?

5 mins read


The following users can access the source license based on individual license and portal global license.

  1. User who have active source license.
  2. User who have active global license.
  3. User who have active Essential Studio Enterprise Edition Binary license in Enterprise portal that have active global license.

You can view your available licenses in the License and Downloads page.

1. Active Source License

If you have active source license, then you can access this license and generate license key and unlock key from the license and downloads page.

active source license

Also, you can download Source Add On setup from the setup downloads page by clicking the “More Download Option” button.

active source license download

You can purchase the source code edition for any of our products. If you choose the Essential Studio Enterprise Source Edition, the full source code will be made available to you. Please contact sales if you need further details.

2. Active Global license

If you have active Global license, then you can access source license and generate license key and unlock key from the License and Downloads page. Global license includes source license. active global license

You (global license holder) can also download the Source Add On setup.

active global license download

Global license includes the following licenses:

  1. Essential Studio Enterprise Edition Source with TestStudio
  2. Essential Studio Enterprise Edition Binary with TestStudio
  3. Syncfusion Dashboard Platform SDK
  4. Syncfusion Dashboard Server
  5. Syncfusion Report Platform SDK
  6. Syncfusion Report Server
  7. Syncfusion Big Data Platform (Free edition)
  8. Syncfusion Data Integration Platform

Refer to FAQ to know about the Global/Unlimited license.

3. Enterprise Portal with Global License

a. Users who have active Essential Studio Binary License

You can access your company portal’s Global license in the License and Downloads page, hence you can generate license key and unlock key for source license under global license.

active binary license      

Users in the global license portal and users who have active Essential Studio Enterprise Edition Binary License can download Source Add On setup.

active binary license download


You can access global license, and you do not need to assign global license to your account by your portal admin.

b. Any other active license except Essential Studio Binary License

You cannot access Source license, if you wish to purchase Essential Studio Binary License or Source license contact us.

Additional Information:

If you have active Essential Studio Enterprise Edition Binary license, but not able to access source license, it is due to one of the following reasons:

1. You may have not been added in your company portal, which have valid global license. Please contact your portal administrator to add you in your company portal. Refer to this KB article to add users to portal.

2. Your company may have valid global license, but may not have any portal. For more information contact us.

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