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How to Export and Save Excel Chart as Image?

9 mins read

The Syncfusion Excel (XlsIO) library is a .NET Excel library used to create, open, and edit Excel documents without the dependency of interop Excel library. Also, converts Excel documents to image, PDF, HTML, and much more.

This article demonstrates how to export and save Excel chart as image in C# and VB.NET by using Syncfusion Excel (XlsIO) library.

Steps to export and save Excel chart as image, programmatically:

Step 1: Create a new C# console application project.

Create new C# console application in Visual Studio

Create a new C# console application

Step 2: Install Syncfusion.ExcelChartToImageConverter.WinForms NuGet package as a reference to your .NET Framework applications from the

Add ExcelChartToImageConverter reference to the project

Install ExcelChartToImageConverter NuGet package


Step 3: Include the following namespaces in the Program.cs file.


using Syncfusion.XlsIO;
using Syncfusion.ExcelChartToImageConverter;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;



Imports Syncfusion.XlsIO
Imports Syncfusion.ExcelChartToImageConverter
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing


Step 4: Add the below code snippet for Excel imaging or saving the file from Excel to PNG. The description of some important class members used in the code example are as follows:

  • ExcelEngine should be initialized to access the Excel object.
  • ChartToImageConverter should be initialized for Excel imaging.
  • The ScalingMode property can be used to set the quality of the image.
  • The Open() method of IWorkbooks interface opens the existing Excel workbook from the specified location. Moreover, you can also open the specified stream.
  • You can access any of the Worksheets with its zero-based index for further manipulations.
  • Similarly, you can access any of the Charts with its zero-based index.
  • Most importantly, the SaveAsImage() method can be used to save Excel chart as image.

The following code snippet in C# and VB.NET exports and saves the Excel chart as image file in PNG format.


//Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
    //Initialize application
    IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
    //Set default application version
    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
    //Instantiate chart to image converter for Excel imaging
    application.ChartToImageConverter = new ChartToImageConverter();
    //Set the image quality
    application.ChartToImageConverter.ScalingMode = ScalingMode.Normal;
    //Open the existing Excel workbook containing chart
    string inputFileName = "Sample.xlsx";
    IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputFileName, ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
    //Access the first worksheet from the worksheets collection
    IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
    //Access the first chart from the charts collection
    IChart chart = worksheet.Charts[0];
    //Create the memory stream for chart image
    MemoryStream chartStream = new MemoryStream();
    //Save Excel chart as image
    chartStream.Position = 0;
    //Get the image file from stream
    Image image = Image.FromStream(chartStream);
    //Save the image in png format



'Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine
Using excelEngine As ExcelEngine = New ExcelEngine
    'Initialize application
    Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
    'Set default application version as Xlsx
    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx
    'Instantiate chart to image converter for Excel imaging
    application.ChartToImageConverter = New ChartToImageConverter()
    'Set the image quality
    application.ChartToImageConverter.ScalingMode = ScalingMode.Normal
    'Open the existing Excel workbook containing chart
    Dim inputFileName As String = "Sample.xlsx"
    Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputFileName, ExcelOpenType.Automatic)
    'Access the first worksheet from the worksheets collection
    Dim worksheet As IWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
    'Access the first chart from the charts collection
    Dim chart As IChart = worksheet.Charts(0)
    'Create the memory stream for chart image
    Dim chartStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
    'Save Excel chart as image
    chartStream.Position = 0
    'Get the image file from stream
    Dim image As Image = image.FromStream(chartStream)
    'Save the image in png format
End Using


A complete working example of Excel to PNG along with the input Excel file used can be downloaded from Export and Save Excel Chart as

By executing the program, you will get the Excel imaging output as shown below.

Exported and Saved Excel Chart as Image

Excel to PNG image output

Take a moment to explore the rich set of Syncfusion Excel (XlsIO) library features.

Besides, here is an online sample link to open Excel file.

To learn more about the Syncfusion Excel (XlsIO) library, refer to the documentation where you will find basic worksheet data manipulation options along with features like Conditional Formatting, worksheet calculations through Formulas, adding Charts in worksheet or workbook, organizing and analyzing data through Tables and Pivot Tables, appending multiple records to worksheet using Template Markers, and most importantly PDF and Image conversions with code examples.

See Also:


Utility to compare chart images converted using Microsoft Excel and Syncfusion XlsIO

How to set image quality during chart to image or PDF conversion in C#, VB.NET?

Is Chart to image conversion is supported in .net framework 3.5?

Create an Excel file in C# and VB.NET

How to convert Excel to PDF in C#, VB.NET

Convert Excel file to CSV in C# and VB.NET

Create Excel from DataTable in C# and VB.NET

Create an Excel file in ASP.NET Core

Create an Excel file in ASP.NET MVC

Create an Excel file in ASP.NET Web Forms

Create an Excel file in WPF

Create an Excel file in UWP

Create an Excel file in Xamarin

Create an Excel file in Xamarin.Android

Create an Excel file in Xamarin.iOS

Create an Excel file in Azure platform

Read Excel file in C#, VB.NET



Starting with v16.2.0.x, if you reference Syncfusion assemblies from trial setup or from the NuGet feed, include a license key in your projects. Refer to the link to learn about generating and registering Syncfusion license key in your application to use the components without trial message.



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