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How to convert PDF to image in WPF PDFViewer?

3 mins read

WPF PDF Viewer control supports viewing, reviewing, and printing PDF files in WPF applications. The PDF viewer also provides a way to convert PDF files into images in a format such as .jpg, .png and .tiff in C# and VB.NET using `ExportAsImage` API. You can use the images in your application to create thumbnails or cover page for a document etc.,

Convert a page of the PDF file into PNG image

You can refer to the following steps for performing the same:

Step 1: Include the following namespace in the MainWindow.xaml.cs file.


using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using Syncfusion.Windows.PdfViewer;
using Syncfusion.Pdf.Parsing;
using System.Windows;
using System.IO;


Imports System.Windows.Media.Imaging
Imports Syncfusion.Windows.PdfViewer
Imports Syncfusion.Pdf.Parsing
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.IO

Step 2: Using the following code snippet, the PDF page can be exported as PNG image.


PdfViewerControl pdfViewer = new PdfViewerControl();
//Load the input PDF file
PdfLoadedDocument loadedDocument = new PdfLoadedDocument("../../Data/Barcode.pdf");
//Export the particular PDF page as image at the page index of 0.
BitmapSource image = pdfViewer.ExportAsImage(0);
//Setup the output path
string output = @"..\..\Output\Image";
if (image != null)
   //Initialize the new PngBitmapEncoder
   BitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
   //Create the bitmap frame using the bitmap source and add it to the encoder.
   //Create the file stream for the output in the desired image format.
   FileStream stream = new FileStream(output + ".png", FileMode.Create);
   //Save the stream, so that the image will be generated in the output location.
//Dispose the document.
loadedDocument = null;


Dim pdfViewer As PdfViewerControl = New PdfViewerControl()
'Load the input PDF file
Dim loadedDocument As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("../../Data/Barcode.pdf")
'Export the particular PDF page as image at the page index of 0.
Dim image As BitmapSource = pdfViewer.ExportAsImage(0)
'Setup the output path
Dim output As String = "..\..\Output\Image"
If image IsNot Nothing Then
'Initialize the New PngBitmapEncoder
Dim encoder As BitmapEncoder = New PngBitmapEncoder()
'Create the bitmap frame using the bitmap source And add it to the encoder.
'Create the file stream for the output in the desired image format.
Dim stream As FileStream = New FileStream(output & ".png", FileMode.Create)
'Save the stream, so that the image will be generated in the output location.
End If
'Dispose the document.
loadedDocument = Nothing

Convert a specific range of pages of the PDF file into PNG images

You can refer to the following steps for performing the same:

Step 1: Include the following namespace in the MainWindow.xaml.cs file.


using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using Syncfusion.Windows.PdfViewer;
using Syncfusion.Pdf.Parsing;
using System.Windows;
using System.IO;


Imports System.Windows.Media.Imaging
Imports Syncfusion.Windows.PdfViewer
Imports Syncfusion.Pdf.Parsing
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.IO

Step 2: Using the following code snippet, the specific range of pages of a PDF file can be exported as PNG images.


PdfViewerControl pdfViewer = new PdfViewerControl();
//Load the input PDF file
PdfLoadedDocument loadedDocument = new PdfLoadedDocument("../../Data/Barcode.pdf");
//Export all the pages as images at the specific page range.
BitmapSource[] image = pdfViewer.ExportAsImage(0, loadedDocument.Pages.Count - 1);
//Setup the output path
string output = @"..\..\Output\Image";
if (image != null)
   for (int i = 0; i < image.Length; i++)
      //Initialize the new PngBitmapEncoder
      BitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
      //Create the bitmap frame using the bitmap source and add it to the encoder.
      //Create the file stream for the output in the desired image format.
      FileStream stream = new FileStream(output + i.ToString() + ".png", FileMode.Create);
      //Save the stream, so that the image will be generated in the output location.
//Dispose the document.
loadedDocument = null;


Dim pdfViewer As PdfViewerControl = New PdfViewerControl()
'Load the input PDF file
Dim loadedDocument As PdfLoadedDocument = New PdfLoadedDocument("../../Data/Barcode.pdf")
'Export all the pages as images at the specific page range.
Dim image As BitmapSource() = pdfViewer.ExportAsImage(0, loadedDocument.Pages.Count - 1)
'Setup the output path
Dim output As String = "..\..\Output\Image"
If image IsNot Nothing Then
For i As Integer = 0 To image.Length - 1
'Initialize the New PngBitmapEncoder
Dim encoder As BitmapEncoder = New PngBitmapEncoder()
'Create the bitmap frame using the bitmap source and add it to the encoder.
'Create the file stream for the output in the desired image format.
Dim stream As FileStream = New FileStream(output & i.ToString() & ".png", FileMode.Create)
'Save the stream, so that the image will be generated in the output location.
End If
'Dispose the document.
loadedDocument = Nothing

View sample in GitHub.

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