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How to get Datetime details while tapping the Flutter Calendar
3 mins read
In the Flutter Event Calendar, you can get the tapped `DateTime` details of the header, view header, and calendar cell using the `OnTap` event.
STEP 1: Inside the state set the default values for alert dialog texts.
CalendarController _controller = CalendarController(); String? _text='', _titleText=''; Color? _headerColor, _viewHeaderColor, _calendarColor;
STEP 2: Trigger the `onTap` callback of the flutter calendar. Please find the following code for the calendar.
Expanded( child: SfCalendar( viewHeaderStyle: ViewHeaderStyle(backgroundColor: _viewHeaderColor), backgroundColor: _calendarColor, view: CalendarView.week, controller: _controller, allowedViews: [, CalendarView.week, CalendarView.workWeek, CalendarView.month, CalendarView.timelineDay, CalendarView.timelineWeek, CalendarView.timelineWorkWeek ], onTap: calendarTapped, ), ),
STEP 3: Using the `OnTap` event, you can get the tapped target element details such as header, view header, calendar cells, agenda view, and get the date and time values from the callback and assign it to the content of the alert dialog widget. Please find the example for header, view header and cells.
void calendarTapped(CalendarTapDetails details) { if (details.targetElement == CalendarElement.header) { _text = DateFormat('MMMM yyyy').format(!).toString(); _titleText = 'Header'; } else if (details.targetElement == CalendarElement.viewHeader) { _text = DateFormat('EEEE dd, MMMM yyyy').format(!).toString(); _titleText = 'View Header'; } else if (details.targetElement == CalendarElement.calendarCell) { _text = DateFormat('EEEE dd, MMMM yyyy').format(!).toString(); _titleText = 'Calendar cell'; } showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) { return AlertDialog( title: Container(child: new Text(" $_titleText")), content: Container(child: new Text(" $_text")), actions: <Widget>[ new TextButton( onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, child: new Text('close')) ], ); }); }