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How to change the text color of the editor in Xamarin.Forms DataForm (SfDataForm)

1 min read

You can change the default text color of the Text and MultilineText editor in Xamarin.Forms SfDataForm by using custom editor.

You can create and add custom editor to SfDataForm by overriding the DataFormEditor class, where the CustomMultilineTextEditor and CustomTextEditor is inherited using the DataFormMultilineTextEditor and DataFormTextEditor.

Refer to the online user guide documentation for creating new custom editor in DataForm.


Text editor color changed by customizing DataFormTextEditor.

public class CustomTextEditor : DataFormTextEditor
    public CustomTextEditor(SfDataForm dataForm) : base(dataForm)
    protected override void OnInitializeView(DataFormItem dataFormItem, Entry view)
        base.OnInitializeView(dataFormItem, view);
        dataFormItem.UnfocusedColor = Color.Brown;
        dataFormItem.FocusedColor = Color.DarkGreen;
        view.TextColor = Color.DarkViolet;


MultilineText editor color changed by customizing DataFormMultiLineTextEditor.

public class CustomMultilineTextEditor : DataFormMultiLineTextEditor
    public CustomMultilineTextEditor( SfDataForm dataForm) :base(dataForm)
    protected override void OnInitializeView(DataFormItem dataFormItem, Editor view)
        base.OnInitializeView(dataFormItem, view);
        dataFormItem.UnfocusedColor = Color.Red;
        dataFormItem.FocusedColor = Color.Blue;
        view.TextColor = Color.DarkOrange;

Refer to the following code example for binding DataObject and register the editor using RegisterEditor as CustomTextEditor and CustomMultilineTextEditor to make data form items as custom editor in DataForm.


Customized Text and MultilineText editors registered to DataForm.

namespace DataFormXamarin
    public class DataFormBehavior : Behavior<ContentPage>
        SfDataForm dataForm;
        protected override void OnAttachedTo(ContentPage bindable)
            dataForm = bindable.FindByName<SfDataForm>("dataForm");
            dataForm.RegisterEditor("MultilineText", new CustomMultilineTextEditor(dataForm));
            dataForm.RegisterEditor("Text", new CustomTextEditor(dataForm));

View sample in GitHub

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