How to create Chart in F# WPF?
This article describes how to create a SfChart in WPF using the F#.
Let us see the simple example of displaying expense report in WPF chart using the F# (MVVM Pattern) by following these steps:
Step 1: Create a model F# code for a simple Expense model with fields for XValue and YValue.
namespace FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.Model type ExpenseReport = { XValue : string YValue : string }
Step 2: Populate the Expense model properties in Repository.
namespace FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.Repository open FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.Model type ExpenseReportRepository() = member x.GetAll() = seq{ yield {XValue="Adidas" YValue="10" } yield {XValue="Niki" YValue="30" } yield {XValue="Reebok" YValue="40" } yield {XValue="Fila" YValue="20" } yield {XValue="Puma" YValue="15" } }
Step 3: Inheriting from a C# ViewModelBase class, which give the Repository as ObservableCollection.
type ExpenseItHomeViewModel(expenseReportRepository : ExpenseReportRepository) = inherit ViewModelBase() new () = ExpenseItHomeViewModel(ExpenseReportRepository()) member x.ExpenseReports = new ObservableCollection<ExpenseReport>( expenseReportRepository.GetAll())
Step 4: Create and add a SfChart to UserControl. Set the Binding to ItemSource, XBindingPath and YBindingPath properties of series, respectively.
<UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:ViewModel="clr- namespace:FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.ViewModel;assembly=App" mc:Ignorable="d" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:chart="clr- namespace:Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Charts;assembly=Syncfusion.SfChart.WPF" d:DesignWidth="424"> <UserControl.DataContext> <ViewModel:ExpenseItHomeViewModel/> </UserControl.DataContext> <Grid> <chart:SfChart Margin="10" > <chart:SfChart.Header> <TextBlock Text="Sneakers Sold by Brand for three months" FontSize="16" FontWeight="Bold"/> </chart:SfChart.Header> <chart:SfChart.PrimaryAxis> <chart:CategoryAxis Header="Brand"/> </chart:SfChart.PrimaryAxis> <chart:SfChart.SecondaryAxis> <chart:NumericalAxis Maximum="50" Header="Number of items sold(in %)"/> </chart:SfChart.SecondaryAxis> <chart:ColumnSeries Palette="Metro" ItemsSource="{Binding ExpenseReports}" XBindingPath="XValue" YBindingPath="YValue"/> </chart:SfChart> </Grid> </UserControl>
Step 5: Add UserControl with SfChart in the MainWindow.xaml using the Frame.
<Window xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="ExpenseIt" Height="450" Width="500"> <Frame Source="ExpenseItHome.xaml" /> </Window>
You can download complete sample in this GitHub Location.
See also
How to create chart in VB net WPF
How to create a chart control in WPF application using XAML