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How to dynamically add markers to Blazor Maps?

3 mins read

Using the ObservableCollection data type in the marker data source, we can dynamically add markers to Blazor Maps. When the marker data source is updated, the ObservableCollection will immediately refresh the Maps component. In this section, we will explain you how to dynamically add markers to Maps using the ObservableCollection data type.

In the following example, we have a marker data source as an ObservableCollection data type with two objects and a button to dynamically add the marker. These markers are displayed above OpenStreetMap. When you click the button, three objects are added to the marker data source, which results in three markers being added to the Maps component. When the marker data source is updated, the Maps will automatically refresh. Similarly, we can dynamically add the markers above the geometry map.

The below code example demonstrates how to add markers to Blazor Maps dynamically. This code example is demonstrated in a Blazor MAUI application in the sample application below. This code can be used in either a server application or a web assembly application.


@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Maps
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

    <SfMaps @ref="sfMaps">
        <MapsZoomSettings Enable="true" ZoomFactor="12"></MapsZoomSettings>
        <MapsCenterPosition Latitude="35.1154711" Longitude="-89.9568190"></MapsCenterPosition>
            <MapsLayer UrlTemplate="" TValue="string">
                    <MapsMarker Visible="true" Height="25" Width="25" DataSource="Cities" TValue="MapMarker">
<br />
<button @onclick="addMarkers">Add Marker</button>

    SfMaps sfMaps;
    public class MapMarker
        public double Latitude { get; set; }
        public double Longitude { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    private ObservableCollection<MapMarker> Cities = new ObservableCollection<MapMarker> {
        new MapMarker { Latitude = 35.11547118078336, Longitude = -89.9568190513077,  Name="Marker-One" },
        new MapMarker { Latitude = 35.13256277762481, Longitude = -89.94753689681518,  Name="Marker-Two" }
    private void addMarkers()
        Cities.Add(new MapMarker { Latitude = 35.132226015736194, Longitude = -89.9804791131883, Name = "Marker-Three" });
        Cities.Add(new MapMarker { Latitude = 35.12111209207373, Longitude = -89.91933012404557, Name = "Marker-Four" });
        Cities.Add(new MapMarker { Latitude = 35.15209258395299, Longitude = -89.94753689681518, Name = "Marker-Five" });

The following screenshots illustrate the output of the above code snippet.

Screenshot of the Maps’ initial rendering with two markers:


Screenshot after dynamically adding a marker on button click:

View the sample in GitHub


I hope you enjoyed learning how dynamically add markers to Blazor Maps component.

You can refer to our Blazor Maps feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations and documentation, and how to quickly get started for configuration specifications. You can also explore our Blazor Maps example to understand how to create and visualize the data.

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