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How to create Mobile Application for Syncfusion Essential JS Controls?

2 mins read

Running Syncfusion Essential JS in Android, iOS and Windows Phone Platforms.

Creating the Application with Syncfusion Essential JS Controls and deploy the App by using Apache Cordova framework.

What is Apache Cordova?

Apache Cordova is an open source Mobile development framework. Using this framework, we can create and deploy the application to Android, iOS and Windows devices.

How to Install Cordova?

By Using Command Line Tool to install the Apache Cordova. Before installing the Cordova, we need to install NodeJS. Read the installation guide and install the Apache Cordova.

Platform Specific Configuration

First we need to configure the system for the below platforms.




Creating the Application using Cordova


Create an empty Cordova project by using the below command.

$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld


Navigate the directory using the below command

$ cd hello


Add the platform that you want to target your App.


$ cordova platform add android –save


$ cordova platform add ios –save


$ cordova platform add windows –save

Create Syncfusion Essential JS Sample

Create any Syncfusion Essential JS control sample as mentioned in the link.

Add Syncfusion Sample to Cordova Project

Move the Syncfusion Essential JS Sample in to the location hello/www and delete the existing Cordova sample and scripts and CSS files.

Cordova project

The Sample file name should be index.html. If you want to change the sample file name to some other name means open hello/config.xml file and change the content src as like below.

By default, it takes index.html as the home page.


<content src="[filename].html" />

Build the Application

Run the following command to build the project.


$ cordova build android


$ cordova build ios


$ cordova build windows

Deploy the App in devices:

Connect the device with the system and run the following command to deploy the App in devices.


$ cordova run android


$ cordova run ios


$ cordova run windows 

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