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How to create installable exe file in electron?

1 min read

To install exe file in electron create the electron based Syncfusion application as mentioned in this link. Then package the application using Electron Packager, once packing completed JS_Electron-win32-ia32 folder will be created with Electron package file.

Usage of Electron Installer:


Here we are going to create installable.exe file using Electron windows Installer, next open the JS_Electron-win32-ia32 folder and install the below command.

npm install --save-dev electron-winstaller



Create gulpfile.js file and add the below code. Refer the link for of each Configuration name usage.

var gulp = require('gulp');

var winInstaller = require('electron-windows-installer');


gulp.task('create-windows-installer', function (done) {


        appDirectory: './node_modules/electron/dist',

        outputDirectory: './release',

        arch: 'ia32',

        authors: "Syncfusion",

        version: "1.0.0",

        iconUrl: "favicon.ico",

        setupIcon: "favicon.ico",

        loadingGif: "ele.gif",





Step 3:

Add the below command for running gulp task.

gulp create-windows-installer


Step 4:

Now the release folder is created with .exe file. Then open the .exe file and it will install automatically and opened.

Electron setup

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