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How to bundle Syncfusion ReactJS components using webpack and browserify?

2 mins read

Using Syncfusion ReactJS application with webpack

To bundle the Syncfusion components into one file using webpack and refer it to your application. Follow the steps below to configure Syncfusion React components with Webpack bundling, 

  1. Create a new application with React and webpack or else we have prepared a demo sample available in the following link,   
  2. Open command prompt, navigate to the application root folder then install webpack, react by using the below commands.

$ npm install --save-dev webpack  

$ npm install react@15.5.0

$ npm install react-dom@15.5.0

  1. Configure Syncfusion JavaScript components through npm This will fetch Syncfusion dependent files through node. 
  2. Add the required scripts for bundling in “webpack.config.js” entry. You can add required scripts here to bundle it to single script file. 

'use strict';


const webpack = require('webpack');

const glob=require('glob');


let config = {

  entry: {

    myPages: [











module: {

     loaders: [

       // Javascript: js, jsx


         test: /\.jsx?$/,

         loader: 'babel-loader',

        query: {

          presets: ['es2015', 'react']





  output: {

    path: './dist',

    filename: 'bundle.js'




module.exports = config;


  1. Now you can create Syncfusion ReactJS components and add it.   
  2. Run the demo sample to render Syncfusion ReactJS components.

Using Syncfusion ReactJS application with Browserify

To bundle the Syncfusion components into one file using browserify and refer it to your application. Follow the steps below to configure Syncfusion React components with browserify bundling, 

  1. Create an application configuring npm, gulp, react and browserify or get the demo sample available in the link below:

  1. Open command prompt, navigate to the application root folder then install browserify, gulp using the below commands.

$ npm install browserify

$ npm install gulp 


  1. Configure Syncfusion JavaScript components through npm
  2. Configure your app for gulp task and bundling with browserify using the “browserify” command. 

var gulp = require('gulp');

var browserify = require('browserify');

var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');

var gutil = require('gulp-util');



gulp.task("js", function(){

    var destDir = "./dist";


    return browserify([











  1. Now you can create Syncfusion React components and add it.

  1. Run the demo sample to render Syncfusion ReactJS components using the below command

$ gulp js 



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