How to exclude context menu for certain elements within contextmenu's target and display browser's context menu?
To prevent the ejContextMenu in specific elements, those elements should be mentioned in the excludeTarget property in JavaScript Menu. Refer to the following code.
$(function(){ $("#contextMenu").ejMenu({ menuType:ej.MenuType.ContextMenu,contextMenuTarget:"#target",excludeTarget: ".inner,.inner2" }); });
Class and ID attributes can be used in the excludeTarget property. Multiple attributes can be separated by (,) comma.
For more information, refer to the API documentation for the excludeTarget property.
Now to show the browser’s context menu in the excluded elements, the internal _contextMenuEvents method should be overridden. Refer to the following code.
ej.Menu.prototype._contextMenuEvents = function (action) { this[action]($(this.model.contextMenuTarget), "mouseup taphold", this._ContextMenuHandler); this[action](this.element, "contextmenu", this._onDefaultPreventer); this[action]($(document), "mousedown", this._onContextClose); };
Refer to the Playground Sample for Demo.
I hope you enjoyed learning about how to exclude context menu for certain elements within contextmenu's target and display browser's context menu.
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